Friday, November 4, 2011

The Hype

Clemson vs. Georgia Tech
This weekend is Clemson's bye week for the 2011 season.  It comes after a tough loss to Georgia Tech last week keeping us from going 9-0.  I've sat in Atlanta twice now in the upper end zone at Georgia Tech only to be disappointed on the drive home.  The Clemson team we've seen all season just didn't show up this past Saturday.  I've been a Clemson fan for a long time, and I know the ups and downs of following this team.  It took me a while to really believe that this season would be different, but after the win against North Carolina, I started believing.  Unfortunately for me and the other Clemson faithful, we saw the same ole, same ole on Saturday.

Defense-Our defense was mediocre, which honestly, they have been all season long.  Allowing Georgia Tech to score 31 points wasn't good, but I don't think it really surprised anyone.  We knew from playing Wofford earlier in the season that we were going to struggle against the triple option...and we did.

Turnovers-Wow!  Turnovers have strongly been in our favor all year long...until Saturday night.  We turned the ball over 4 times which stifled an offense that wasn't rolling like normal anyway.

Offense-So what happened?  A few theories from my standpoint:
1. The Hype.  The guys started listening to the hype surrounding one of the only undefeated teams left, a #5 BCS ranking, and 2 possible Heisman candidates.  Everywhere you go...ESPN is on.

2. A primetime start.  We haven't played well in late games this season.  Maybe it's getting into their heads.

3. Comebacks.  How many times this season have we walked into the locker room either down at the half or not too far ahead at the half and been inspired to walk back out and win the game?  Almost every game this season.  It's very unlikely to be able to only play in the 2nd half and win every game.

4. Freshmen.  Now of course, I'm not talking about Sammy Watkins.  He doesn't even qualify as a freshman in my mind.  But with Andre Ellington out of the game, we took to a "run game" with two backup freshmen running backs.  Twice they fumbled and the run game never was established making us one-dimensional.

Yes, Tajh Boyd threw 2 interceptions, but he also threw to some receivers who couldn't hang onto the ball.  The loss does not land on his shoulders.

And finally, why do I really think we lost this game?  Coaching.  We have been so successful on offense this season, but on Saturday night, Chad Morris comes out with screen passes and running the ball which takes us back to the previous 10 years of Clemson football.  We were slow to snap the ball and slow to move the ball and it bit us in the behind.  It was not Chad's style...and honestly, I prefer not to see it again.

The Hype
Now...on to this week's college games and my predictions.

Alabama/LSU-Of course, this is where all of the hype is this week and rightfully so.  I think Alabama is too much for LSU though and we will be seeing the Crimson Tide win another national championship under Nick Saban.

South Carolina/Arkansas-I think this game is a very close match-up.  I have to go with Arkansas though, mainly because of the loss of Marcus Lattimore and the inexperience of Connor Shaw.  I think South Carolina's defense will keep them in this game, but in the end the Razorbacks will come out on top.

Another unbeaten that needs to watch its back this weekend...Oklahoma State.  Oklahoma State plays a tough Kansas State team that will not want to lose two weeks in a row.  Stanford is playing a weak Oregon State team, but will face Oregon, Notre Dame, and Cal in the weeks to come.  They will fall once before the season is over (if they don't, Andrew Luck will win the Heisman).  Therefore, after all is said and done...I think this is the year for Boise State.  They will make it to the National Championship game as the only other unbeaten besides Alabama...but they will lose to the Crimson Tide for the title.

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